With DVE Property Management we offer a full hands on service to assist you with any struggle that comes with renting out your property. Whether you need help with setting up property viewings, the maintenance and repairs of your property, rent collection or simply to keep track of your bills, we cater it all. We are flexible to offer a full hands on property management or just parts of the services. Please read about the services and prices offered below.
Our Services:
Listing and Leasing
- Professional online marketing of your property including a 3D visual tour on our marketing channels.
- We can list your property with any agency. We instruct all letting agents to contact us to set up viewings. Agency fees apply.
- Applying your house rules. Any requirements (permitted by Maltese laws) will be added to your customized lease agreement
- Potential tenants are asked to provide background information including a reference which we check.

Accounting and Administration
- Rental fees collection and administration. Payments of bills. Any bills related to your property such as ARMS, internet providers, etc.
- Post collection & forwarding
- Monthly & Annual reports. Every action will be logged and reported to you in an easy to read and understand report, offering you full transparency

Service Level Agreement (SLA)
- Quick action when required is provided for handyman services, tenant intervention, post forwarding service, etc
- You decide to what extent you want us to take over control of your property. If you wish not to be bothered for minor repairs or prefer to be on top of any expenses, we contact you for your permission according a mutual agreed SLA.

- Supervision of maintenance & repairs at fair market prices. Quick access & emergency access according the Service Level Agreement

Tenancy Support
- Tenant mediation. For any tenancy related queries tenants will contact us. We will act and report to you according the Service Level Agreement
- Neighbour complaint mediation. We will inform your direct neighbours and/or owners of the block association to contact us in case of any block or tenancy related issues

- For homeowners in need of a full hands on property manager we offer all the above services* for a monthly fee of;
- 10% of the rent due when leased and 5% of the last rent due when your property is vacant. The minimum fee is €90 monthly when leased and €45 when vacant.
- For homeowners who provide for the maintenance and repairs themselves;
- 6.5% of the rent due when leased and 5% of the last rent due when your property is vacant. The minimum fee is €55 monthly when leased and €45 when vacant.
- Discounts can be discussed for homeowners with multiple properties or high value rental properties.
*Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for full disclosure
**Prices are exclusive of VAT